Wednesday, 20 November 2019

More Signal Recon

Tuesday 19th Nov.

Malcolm W is on a 4 day telehandler course this week so Neil C was leading operations with six of us in attendance.

Signal 6 adjacent to Winchcombe signal box has now been completely re-furbished and is back in operation:

And next is a similar project to re-furbish signal 4 opposite. The scaffolding has been erected round this signal and its fittings removed ready for the big clean. Here is a close up of some of the rusting:

Carl S makes a start cleaning up the crow's nest prior to a re-paint. The boards have gone rotten and will need replacing

We managed to get the whole post wire-brushed and prime painted in the day.

The main post for the Cheltenham replacement bracket has been rescued from the back of Winchcombe yard  by the tele- handler so we have made a start cleaning it up. Two of us spent the morning with angle grinders getting it ready for paint. Quite a lot of surface area here!

And a coat of primer put on before end of play.

Several lengths of cable have been measured out on the concrete roadway using a measuring wheel ready for connecting the point machines, and other services at Toddington south points. These have been laid out at Toddington ready for connecting and placing in the recently positioned troughing.



  1. As a matter of interest, why are you replacing the bracket signal at CRC? What's wrong with the existing one?

  2. I answered this in 31st Oct blog!

  3. Very smart-looking refreshed signals at Winchcombe.

  4. Great job chaps. I don't know where you boys get your cable but we found 'Qing Cables' (pronounced 'King') of Cheltenham very reasonable for telephone cable - they do have lots of other kit of course.
    I hope that helps!

  5. To ensure that your forklift drivers have the relevant certifications, we provide a choice of CPCS telehandler training courses. We have a skilled trainer who can provide you with the best forklift training. After completing your forklift training and receiving your forklift licence, it is advised that you attend forklift training refreshers every three years. For additional information, please call us at 020 7112 9383.
