Two activities today - the main one being to re-locate the cables and lineside cabinets north of Winchcombe station between the road bridge and Greet Tunnel. The embankment adjacent to the new build houses (where the Harvest Home Pub used to be) is collapsing towards the track and is pushing over the existing lineside cabinets and cable troughs. Contractors are endeavouring to sort the embankment out - temporary pipework has been installed to take water directly into the track drains to alleviate the problem. (See drainage blogs for details). The two cabinets shown here will eventually be removed once the new cabling is installed. (note the temporary drainage pipe on the right)
To sort this out we are moving cables to the other side of the tracks (platform 1 side). Three cabinets (on point rodding legs!) are to be concreted in first.
One "post box" at the bridge
And the two large ones which we reclaimed from the Far Stanley area recently are positioned to deal with the new cables which will be routed under the tracks away from the slippage. One by the repeater signal at the end of platform 2
And one on platform 1 side:
Then the hard work to transfer the troughing to the other side.
We are utilising two lengths of the 30 pair cable that we rescued from Far Stanley recently during the re-cabling up to Greet Tunnel. One length dragged back from Winchcombe yard ready for re-locating:
In the meantime two of us went off to CRC to apply undercoat to the outer home signal post that we are re-conditioning - already cleaned and primed.
White undercoat at the top and dark grey ready for black gloss at the bottom:
There has been an intermittent problem with the electric lock on signal 22 in CRC signal box so the locking bar has been modified to adjust slot position - Malcolm W here re-fitting it down in the locking room:
And a modified link inserted to tighten up the signal wire