Wednesday 8 May 2024

More Cable Protection

 Tuesday 7th May

A bit more troughing required on the Evesham Road bridge at Broadway today. Three cables have been laying on top of the ballast here which need to be better protected.

On the station side of the bridge the cables disappear underground , and at the other end they go across the tracks in the yellow protective tube. This is on the platform 2 track side that we are working.

So a bit of ballast 'tickling' to give a level bedding for the troughs.

And then the laying of the troughs

Then the cables are lifted in

And the lids put on:

A tidy up of the ballast and the job is done.


1 comment:

  1. Looks so much neater after the cables are in the troughs; and will keep them in better order than on top of the ballast.
    Regards, Paul.
