Three of us off to Broadway again while three more went to the approaches to Gotherington to dig/pull out some redundant lineside cable.
So, what were we up to. During the week Malcolm has sawn one of the large tunnel blanking planks in two to facilitate the cutting of individual notches for the point rodding. This will significantly reduce the possibility of wildlife ingress. To ascertain the correct height for this a length of point rodding has been attached to one of the angle cranks and then levelled on blocks to simulate (hopefully) how it will sit. A view from inside:
Quite a good sliding fit.
A few thoughts about the following stages under here in the tunnel. There are currently some steel channels cast into the concrete floor onto which will be bolted (parallel to the track) some further C-channels . On top of these will be bolted two substantial steel plates which will then hold all the angle cranks and pulleys for the rodding and signal wires. The plates will protrude approx 12" out from the platform wall - but this will only be done once we have ballast and track in to get the best positioning of the rodding stools through the platform. The horizontal length of rodding you see in the picture is approx 12" above the concrete floor. We are hoping that with all the steelwork installed we shall have enough vertical space to use our magnetic drill for all the holes required! Otherwise a lot of sweat with hand held kit!
Meanwhile work continues with the mechanical locking. We now have one of the proof machine couplings which will connect the vertical tappet blades to the electric locks
A bit of fettling is required to get a nice cosy fit on the blade with the dowel pin fitted. John P in action with drill and angle grinder
In between our Tuesday visits to Broadway, Malcolm W , Ian and George have been making steady progress with the locking. There are about 100 brass locks to fit altogether and several new slots to cut in the tappet blades. The various combinations of locks are connected together with horizontal locking bars. A lot of mounting and dismounting to mark hole positions and then drilling. Here's a close up:
Having a bench drill at our disposal here is a great asset
Keeping tabs on what locks are required where and what has been completed is kept religiously up to date on Malcolm's master plan. Otherwise a great muddle would ensue.
So far 36 brass locks have been fitted. A lot of filing required to make sure that everything moves easily but without slack. We did trial pull combinations on levers 8, 20 and 21 and the locking worked perfectly with little perceived effort. Going to be significantly harder with a few hundred yards of point rodding and points attached! It's all in the technique I'm told!
And finally, another electric Lock being tested for position. A bit more drilling required to mount this once it has been lined up with its coupling.